Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Update and Gift Certificates

I hope this finds everyone well and in full Holiday Spirit. The fishing has been phenomenal this entire year and the past few weeks have been no exception. The trout are really biting now and the redfish have continued to surprise us with every trip. They are both in the harbor and around the waterway, especially closer to the inlets. Contrary to what my not so common since tells me, they have actually been biting in the 51-54 degree water instead of the warmer waters back in the sounds. I think water depth and clarity are a bigger factor right now due to the rain as of recent. The trout are hanging from 4 -10 feet deep in some spots and the reds are all mixed in. Live shrimp and minnows are always a good bet but the new Z-Man clear shrimps have been catching them just fine. Sheepshead are swarming on slack tides on any under water structure as well as the pilings in the waterway. Even one pole can hold 10-15 fish right now!

On another note, I am running a special for Christmas this year. Anyone who buys a 1/2 day inshore trip Gift Certificate before Christmas, gets another one for free, as well as 2 visors and 2 coozies. They make great gifts. Especially if you think the recipient will ask you to go with them. Also, I can give full price receipts for tax deductions. If you think your going to go next year, its worth it! All come with my guarantee also, if we don't catch what we are after, you get to go again for free. Thanks and I hope the holidays are safe and wonderful for all of you!